Allison Stanley
Yesterday I lost a precious friend of mine.
She passed away tragically and unexpectedly, leaving behind three beautiful little boys that were her entire world and a family that is completely heartbroken that I please ask for you to pray for. She was the most beautiful person inside and out - she was truly one of a kind, so special, and will always hold the most special place in my heart.
Singer Trini Lopez Death - Dead : Trini Lopez Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown. Cannon Hinnant Death - Dead -Obituary : 5 Year Old White Boy Shot Dead by Black Man Darius Sessoms. Elizabeth Baggett Death - Dead : Obituary : LAPD Officer Sued for Allegedly Groping a Dead Woman’s Breasts.Wayne Previdi Death - Dead : Wayne Previdi Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown.Ashley Graziano Death - Dead : Ashley Graziano Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown.Ibraheem Azooz Death - Dead : Ibraheem Shaddy Azooz Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown.Sumner Redstone Death - Dead : Sumner Redstone Obituary : Media Billionaire Dies at 97.Chelsea Ridings Death - Dead : Chelsea Ridings Obituary : Knoxville TNYou hear your entire life that you are not promised tomorrow and with a heavy heart I’m here to tell you it is so true and so real. It is so easy to go through the motions, to get distracted and caught up and wrapped up in so many things in this life, but now more than ever it has hit home that at the end of the day, at the end of our last breath, the one thing that matters more than all of the things is if we know without a doubt that when we take our last breath, we have accepted the true and only salvation in Jesus Christ and are spending eternity in heaven. At the blink of an eye the things we cherish most on this earth pass away but our eternity is forever. “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:13); “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13) - for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8
I say all of that to say I pray that you know without a doubt that they have accepted the Lord Jesus and have eternal security and an everlasting love, peace, happiness, hope, fulfillment that surpasses all things this world has to offer. The things of this world and this life may pass away but praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ that I know, without a doubt, that I have a promise of eternal life + hope with Him in glory - a place with no more pain, sorrows, heartaches, tears, and goodbyes. Now more than ever, I am even more grateful for the promises the Lord has for me. How sweet I know heaven will be